Screw ups along the way to building the Swimming Pool

The previous page showed that both the main house and guest house phone lines were cut by the bobcat on day one. Then after the excavation was finished and the plumbing and steel reinforcement installed, the sand wall caved in bending the plumbing and the steel.

When all the plumbing and steel were pushed back in place and the concrete shell completed, it was time to bring electrical power to the pool equipment. This required trenching which of course cut the guest house phone line again but in a different place.
Next the trenching cut the guest house sewer line. This was probably a less pleasant repair :-)

At the left are the main water lines between the pool and the recirculating pump. On top of the big lines is a 3/4" water line to the pool auto-fill float chamber. All were covered with dirt then Carol made outlines for the walkway with flour.

The deck and walkway are being poured. The outlines are created with bender-board held in place with rebar stakes driven into the ground. One of the stakes just missed the electrical conduits and pierced the 3/4" water line and a fountain erupted from the ground when it was pressurized for the first time. Luckily, the break occurred at just the location where I wanted to stub out with a water line into the garage for the refrigerator ice maker :-)
The pool is nearly finished but the pool company forgot to order the cover. The first of our spring windstorms blew in lots of tumbleweeds and sand.
